Jewels Lovely

The Good, the Bad and the Lovely

Why I Am Leaving Stella & Dot

It will be five years in October that I will have been a stylist with Stella & Dot. I started this business when I was a newlywed with a lot of extra time (#nokids) and in need of a creative (and entrepreneurial) outlet. I didn’t technically do it for the money since I was working a decent office job; it was more about being able to sink myself into something fun, social and completely mine. The thing about direct sales businesses is that what you get out of them in terms of experience, relationships and finances is all dependent on how much you put into it, plus some grit & perspective. Basically, when you work your business (i.e put the time in, make the calls, do the shows, coach your team, etc.) you will see the fruits of your labor. But when you sit on your laurels and wait for the people, sales and growth to come to you, you won’t see much, if anything at all. I suppose you could say this is the case with most businesses, but I want to dispel the myth that in direct sales, you can get to a point of making 6-7 figure incomes without doing much. If there is someone out there saying that, then I caution you to stay away from these misinformed people & unicorn businesses. They’re either lying (about how much work is needed as a high earning leader) or there’s seriously something shady happening in that business model.

Source: Stella & Dot

I am proud to say that in my time with this fashion forward company, I have made incredible friendships with many of my team members and clients, while making a decent side income and learning how to run an online business. I have also ebbed and flowed in my business based on the seasons of my life. I was most active before having children, but my team was the largest after I had my first son because I had built enough of a foundation of leaders on my team who were able to grow their own teams as successful coaches themselves. However, after having my second child, I felt a shift happen inside of me. My needs changed. I was suddenly finding myself needing an outlet to express my big emotions and postpartum anxiety, and my business wasn’t the right avenue for that. In fact, it became more of a stressor. I felt that I wasn’t serving my team and my clients in the way they deserved. But I just couldn’t bear to be social in the ways I used to be. I needed space and time to process my thoughts and feelings. Writing was what helped me find myself again (as cliché as that sounds). I was able to put into words what I was feeling. I also felt like I was serving not just myself in the writing process, but others by writing on topics that people found useful. It was life-giving and validating – things I hadn’t felt for months.

Source: Stella & Dot

I am now over a year postpartum and in many ways I am thankful for going through this challenging season of my life. It was what fueled the fire to do something different and discover new things about myself. Finding a passion in writing wasn’t something I had intended, but it’s been a happy accident. I initially started blogging because it felt like a practical way to “journal” this time with my children. Much like journaling is such an effective tool to process through one’s emotions and find more clarity in decisions, blogging has helped me realize that it is time to leave one passion behind and pursue another.

Source: Stella & Dot

In order to focus on my freelance writing career, I am letting go of my Stella & Dot business. It is it not a decision that I make lightly, but it is one that has resulted in a great amount of peace and clarity. I had thought about just keeping the business as I pursue writing, however as I was listening to a message from my pastor a few weeks ago, he brought up a quote that resonated with me: “You can’t reach for what’s in front of you until you let go of what’s behind you.” In the case of the sermon, he was referring to past hurts or regrets that people may still be living with that are holding them back from enjoying the present and future. In my case, I felt that it perfectly described the process of letting go of something that once fueled me in order to fully embrace the next phase of my life. Through my prayers, I also felt that God had ordained my next steps. I am excited to see how He will teach me to serve others in this new endeavor.

Source: Trans Fit Athens

Most importantly, I am so glad that I get to take the amazing friendships I’ve made in the business with me. I know my team is in good hands with my former coach who is a long-time leader in this business. I continue to be a strong believer in the message and mission of Stella & Dot, which is why I would still say yes to anyone who asked me if they should be a stylist. If you’re willing to put in your dues and you have a passion for fashion, then 100% go for it! I am so grateful to my clients for their many loyal years of shopping & hosting with me. Thank you for letting me serve you as a stylist for so many years! Also, if you are looking for a new stylist, send me an e-mail and I will be happy to refer you to one in your area 🙂

Source: Stella & Dot


6 Discussions on
“Why I Am Leaving Stella & Dot”
  • Excited to see what you get up to next! Also thanks for convincing me to wear yellow gold instead of silver 😉

    Love reading your blog posts. XO

    • Thanks hun! I am so happy to have been able to serve you as a stylist. Also, you could definitely rock silver, but your colouring just shines with gold and I would argue rose gold too 😉

  • When it’s time, it’s time! You have to follow your heart. I remember meeting you at a Moxie’s meeting and everyone talked about your name being SD destiny!

    Looking froward to continuing to follow your blog.

    • Thanks Scarlett! I think S&D was my destiny for that season, but not for a lifetime. I’m looking forward to having you along on this new journey too!

  • Jewels, I love how thoughtful and intentional you are… both in the signing up for S&D and then being able to see and discern *thoughtfully* about what was needed/ is needed for now. And then to take action – how courageous. I’ll wear my S&D pieces with pride, and will take inspiration from you as I wear them! xo

    • Thank you Susan! I think one important life skill I would like to think I am becoming better at is “discernment”. This comes from knowing myself better and honouring the person I am becoming. I am so blessed to have you along on this journey!

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