Jewels Lovely

The Good, the Bad and the Lovely

October 2017

How To Live With A Spender When You Are A Saver

In a marriage, there is usually a saver and a spender.  I confess that I am the spender in our marriage. However, my financial personality does not define who I am, nor does it mean that I am irresponsible with money (even if it did in the past). For most of my young adult life before I got married, and even into the first year of marriage, I was oblivious

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Rainbow Baby Gender Reveal

This past Thanksgiving weekend, I found plenty to be thankful for. We usually have a traditional turkey dinner at home with my immediate family and folks. However, my father was not able to make it back home in time for Thanksgiving, so we will celebrate with him when he visits in November during American thanksgiving. That gave us the opportunity to say yes to a family gathering with my cousins

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