Jewels Lovely

The Good, the Bad and the Lovely

December 2017

Easy Vegan Cookies & Cake

This past weekend, I had a bit of a baking marathon with my son. I was charged with making desserts for around 50 people for a church event, plus a baby shower for my cousin. Since my son is off of dairy and eggs, I thought it best to focus on vegan baked goods. For his birthday, he received a really cute kids baking set, so we decided to put

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Superhero Theme Birthday Party

Did you have a favourite superhero growing up? I think mine was probably Supergirl or Wonderwoman, two of only a few female superheros who were somewhat mainstream when I was growing up. I was jealous that my brother had a ton of male superheros to choose from. It is pretty exciting though that Supergirl and Wonder Woman have made a resurgence with modern remakes. I’m looking forward to watching them

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