Jewels Lovely

The Good, the Bad and the Lovely

When Traveling With Baby Is A Breeze

I never thought I’d ever say the above words, but after having three kids, you realize how easy it is to travel with only one of them! My four month old Roman and I recently went on a trip to New York City for a couple days. My best friend was getting married, so even though my husband couldn’t make it, Roman and I decided to make the trip. This was my friend of almost 25 years, so there was no way I was going to miss her wedding! My mom graciously watched my older two boys and my cousins kindly opened up their home to me while we were in the city. Here are a few pictures to tell the tale…

Since we would only be gone for 48 hours, I packed as light as possible. I only packed my diaper bag and a carry-on, mostly full of baby stuff. I had just enough clothes for myself and extra clothing for Roman. I brought my uppababy vista stroller, which is the best to travel with. It’s not lightweight, but it folds down really nicely, and can carry a lot in the undercarriage. I decided against using the stroller seat and just clicked in my infant car seat since we would need it to ride around in uber’s and such. The last and most important item I brought was my lillebaby carrier, which we used almost as much as the stroller. 

Roman slept for about half of the flight (which, let’s be honest, was only an hour long). I picked up my stroller just as I got off the plane (since I gate checked it). Then we called ourselves a Lyft and headed on over to Brooklyn where my best friend lives. She lives in Williamsburg, a very picture-esque part of the city overlooking the Manhattan skyline. It reminded me of downtown Vancouver, with it’s chic cafes, restaurants and shops lining the very clean streets. I certainly did not feel like I was in New York City!

We then took a ferry over to Dumbo, which is where the wedding ceremony took place. They exchanged vows with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background. It was short, but sweet. Then we strolled over to trendy restaurant Gran Electrica, where we partied the night away (this meant 10pm for me, since I had been up since about 5am!)

Roman and I spent the night at my cousin’s place over in Queen’s. They have a gorgeous 18 month old daughter, my niece. The next day, we head into Manhattan to run a few errands, while stopping to take pictures along the way. According to my fitness tracker, we spent 98 minutes walking, which is something I haven’t done since before I had Roman! Thank goodness for the stroller. When we were heading back home from Penn Station, the lift to get down to our train was broken, so my very pregnant cousin and I had to carry both babies and strollers down the long flight of stairs. It was a lot more exercise than we bargained for, but that’s the city for ya!

We did some of my favorite things like eat a lot of good food, then hit up target, all before heading to the airport. However, just before we got there, I got notifications that my flight was delayed due to weather. Since my cousin lives close to Laguardia Airport, Roman and I decided to go back to their place until we knew my flight would actually be departing. It ended up being delayed by almost 5 hours, so I am glad we could be comfortable at someone’s home, and not stuck in the airport. We finally made it home close to 3am. My poor husband was waiting for Roman and I at Pearson Airport, but I was glad I didn’t have to drive home in my tired state. All in all, it was a very good trip, and I would do it again in a heartbeat (with one child)!

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